A Mind's Smithereens

a book by Tim Brown


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The Fight That Never Ends

a book by Tim Brown

From the back cover:

"While his peers at school were excelling in sports and academics and looking forward to a bright future, Tim was being physically and psychologically abused by schoolmates, teachers, and principals.

"This book is a true autobiographical story describing years of bullying and abuse. The author tries to figure out what went wrong and use his experiences to find answers to help other past, present, and future victims of school harassment."

You can order my book online or purchase it at many fine bookstores. For the best deal, you can order it directly from the publisher Lulu.com for only $20.82 (plus taxes and shipping).

Order my book by clicking on one of these links:

www.lulu.com/content/112781 (recommended)




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Tim Brown's School Days