CHICAGO roadmeet
June 24-27 2022

State Line Road is central to the later part of our roadmeet. In this photo, Chicago is on the left, and Hammond, Ind., is on the right. I-90 is in the background.

Looking into Hammond on 108th Street. The road goes under I-90.

State Line Road, 106th Street, and US 12/20/41 (Indianapolis Boulevard) all come together here on the state line. I-90 soars above. Lori Lightfoot closed parks and beaches through much of 2020 and personally confronted violators of the COVID lockdown that is now almost universally agreed to have been an unmitigated disaster.

US 12/20/41 is directly under I-90 here.

South on State Line Road. They have a SLOW sign like it's 1956. I don't know whether that font is an old nonstandard highway font or a newer font that mimics a lyrics website.

Northwest on US 12/20/41 in Chicago. I-90 is again seen overhead.

North on Ewing under some rail bridges.

Ewing under the bridges again.

Avenue J & 100th. I was trying to catch what appeared to be a very old sign under the BIKE ROUTE sign.

This is 100th heading back to Calumet Park.

The roadmeet is over! Meet thy maker! But wait! First, I had to roam about Hammond for much of Sunday before the Greyhound bus came. This allowed me to catch photos like this, though this is just a blah sample. This is west on 142nd Street.

This is 142nd at Baltimore.

North on Hohman at 142nd.

Grover! Like on Sesame Street!

This is 142nd on the south edge of Hermits Park. Hermit rhymes with Kermit. The Illinois state line is just behind the fence. One website says of the park, "There's a place where a baseball can be pitched and struck in Indiana and land in Illinois." It would be funnier if it said, "There's a place where you can bubble in Indiana have someone do a Wright brothers in Illinois."

West on 141st. Again, we're just about at the state line.

Now we're at Pulaski Park, and the road at left is the famous Grover Avenue.

This is 139th at Baltimore. Despite what I suspected, I've found no evidence that 139th ever continued ahead.

Now we're back on 142nd for another round of biptopia. This isn't all that exciting, but we're looking south onto an alley - a people's road! The power lines outline the alley.

The alley as seen from 143rd.

Let's catch a little of Indianapolis on early Monday morning. This is right outside the Greyhound station there. This is west on South Street. The bus continued to Louisville, and the frustrating morning was livened up when a man pointed out that another man had been seen picking paper off the floor and eating it.

East on South in Indy.

Illinois Street as it goes under the transit station. I may have actually gotten this during Occupy the Super Bowl in 2012.

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