May 13-18 2024

I-75 with downtown Atlanta in the background.

This shows how traffic management has deteriorated over the years. During our 1977 Atlanta vacation, you could just zip through here. Now it's one big traffic jam.

I-75 gives us a fine view of Atlanta.

The Georgia State Capitol looms. It was built in 1889.

I-75 also has I-85 through much of Atlanta.

The graffiti says "I-beam." Remember the I-beam segment on Sesame Street? It was a red hot I rolling through a mill.

This is the big Cumberland buildup again.

Notice more sine rot off to the right.

Still in Georgia, approaching the Tennessee line at Chattanooga - but with Cincinnati-style clouds.

Milton Road in Athens, Tenn. The town was the site of the Battle of Athens in 1946. This was a rebellion against corruption, police misconduct, and election violence that forced McMinn County government to disband and be replaced. Corruption was so bad before this that police pulled over intercity buses and randomly ticketed passengers for drunkenness even if they were sober.

I-75 near Sweetwater. We visited Lost Sea on our 2005 Orlando trip. Can you guess what happened there? Can you??? A person ripped a silent-but-deadly bunker blast inside the cave. I bet you didn't know that!

Ooh, fog! This is somewhere near where we enter Kentucky.

Sine rot is a plague even in Lexington. The red crowns of the Interstate shields are faded. I'm sure there's more urgent things to worry about though, so we can live with this shocking development.

The site rot continues here on I-75.

This sign is in a severe state of demolition.

KY 1973 (Ironworks Pike) goes under this rail bridge on the north side of Lexington. A few miles southeast of here is where KY 1973 meets KY 353 near the old WLAP complex. Google Maps still references WLAP-FM, even though the FM sadly dropped these calls in 1992.

North on US 25 in Georgetown.

US 25 uses Broadway in Georgetown.

US 460 uses Main. This used to also be US 62 and even US 227!

Looking the other way on US 460. This is near the restaurant where we saw the Steve Perry look-alike.

Back east on US 460.

US 460 splits off on the left as Paris Pike.

US 460 goes under this rail bridge. Also, every time we get off on surface roads in Georgetown, I think of an unintentionally X-rated radio ad for a McDonald's in that town. I think it aired around the time of the Plop Lecture and "Nashville is fivish" report.

North on KY 2906. This road runs from US 460 to US 62, as the exit from I-75 to US 460 is only a half-exit.

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